Have you ever had the problem of just not knowing which stock to buy? Or maybe there’s so many stocks that “look good”, but you’re not sure how to select the top quality setups? 🤔
Think no more!
Introducing the Strive for 25 🎉
This is my personal list of criteria that I look for when selecting a winning stock. It was honed over the past 10 years of experience and studying the best performing stocks.
I’ve used this criteria to identify big winners like $SHOP, $TWLO, $GRWG and many more that all went up 300-500%+ from first buying them using the Strive for 25.
See below for a full list.
When selecting a stock to buy I want it to have as many of the 25 as possible. The more the merrier!
Don’t know what some of these mean? 🤯
Don’t worry! I got you.
We’ll use this newsletter to dive deep into each one of these core criteria. We’ll go one by one on each of the Strive for 25 so that you can learn how to apply it to your trading and investing.
Stick around as we dive into #1. SPY & QQQ in an Uptrend.
Coming in hot to your inbox soon 🔥
In the mean time…
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Cheers to Hatching huge Gains!